My favourite coffee shop

Yesterday as I was going back home, an idea popped to my head. In my left hand, a paper cup was hanging. This is the situation I’m most likely to be found! Walking the roads up to my house I was slowly taking sips of my beloved coffee. And that was it. I had to talk about my favourite coffee shop, as it means that much to me!

Coffee is basically my life. Without coffee my day does not start. I feel like I’m missing a part of me when that happens.
The most popular coffee shop in my country(other than Starbucks of course!) decided to open a store in my town around 2 years ago and since then I’m in love with that coffee.
It is named “Mikel” and by that you might have already guessed my country. The meaning behind its name is a whole another story though… Many years ago in the city of Larisa, there was a man named Michael. Michael loved good coffee as much he loved his children(if not more!). One day, as the years had passed, he unfortunately passed away. His son then took the chance to create “Mikel” after his father, with the greatest coffee to be found in my opinion. Slowly the business started growing and growing, and almost every city or town has at least one shop.

If you have the chance to sit inside the beautiful little shop, you might notice the face of a quite old man, with glasses framing his wrinkled face. That man is Mikel(or Michael, whatever you prefer) and around his face you can see the words Maybe It’s Knowledge Entering Life. This puts together the acronym Mikel, even though that’s not how the name was established.
What I love about Mikel is the warm atmosphere. And I’m not talking just to go and sit there, but even just to buy something and leave, the workers are some of the nicest people I’ve met. Maybe they don’t enjoy doing that for hours and hours, maybe they’re tired, but that smile and kindness is always on their face. Although sometimes there is one particular employee who is all the time angry or just not as polite. I’m not blaming him though, I can totally understand his situation.
Another thing is that the music is just too good. The Weeknd (one of my faves), Troye Sivan, and so many unexpected tunes are played in there that make your experience more pleasant than before.

If you ever have the chance to visit Mikel, I am highly suggesting you to go for the Mikelo, or the mango tea when it comes to drinks, and the chocolate chip muffins or any type of their sandwiches x
{for more info check}

How to be Tumblr famous

These days Tumblr is kind of ruling our lives. Pretty much everyone has an account or at least has heard of it. Tumblr is also the kingdom of randomness, cuteness and prettiness. Buy how could you be famous by your Tumblr? The answer is hard. I do not guarantee that with these tips you will 100% become tumblr famous but maybe it will be a nice try?
1. Find your inspiration
This basically sums up everything, so you’ll need to find an inspiration, or something special to be your foundation on your tumblr blog and everything will be around it.
2. Choose what you want to be famous for
Being tumblr famous could start from many ways, not just the known way of really cute tumblr pics. Maybe pictures isn’t your strong spot and you’d wish to do something else. You have a variety of options to choose, as fanfiction, articles, editing pictures(and not posting ones of yourself), and much much… Of course the option of posting pics of yourself seems easier, and most people want that but it’s a bit harder to shine inside the majority of tumblr who is doing that.
3. Download a photography app that you really like(only if you want to be tumblr famous from posting pics)
Apps such as VSCO cam or Fotor are my favourites and my number 1 choice when it comes to editing my photos(I could do a how I edit my photos post, if you’d want that let me know☺). However, there are many great apps on the market and you can let yourself discover and choose the best for you.
4. Follow other blogs similar to yours and try to make yourself popular by making tumblr friends etc
The amount of blogs you’re following cannot be seen anywhere. And here I’m going to be honest with you, follow as many as you can! Most of them follow back, and if you can collab with each other it would be awesome.
5. Submit photos in big blogs that may be helping smaller ones, and get all the reblogs and likes you’d wish.
Not much to explain there, just seek for these blogs that are quite popular and have a submit button.
6. Ask blogs to promote you
That always does the work. You just ask them if they could tell their followers to follow you and that’s it!
7. Just be yourself
Maybe this is the phrase you’ve heard the most in your life. But it’s true! Don’t try to copy anyone, show what you really are. This will lead to something great ❤

And that was it, 7 tips on how to get tumblr famous! Hope you enjoyed, hope they helped, make sure to give me suggestions for future posts x

Introducing Pedazo de Mí

This is my second try to start a blog, hope it goes well this time! My view for it is to entertain people, give advice and much more. In our days it seems quite not easy, since the blogging world includes competition, especially for unknown to the public bloggers. I won’t start from saying things about myself, we could explore them together as this blog continues… Only one note for the title, pedazo de mí means piece of me in Spanish and I chose it simply because I guess the blog piece of me would be already taken. So here, you’ll get a piece of me. Wish me luck x